The Orderupers Blog

How to Retain Staff by Creating a Positive Workplace Culture

Written by Clive Thorpe | Aug 2, 2022 7:33:17 AM

As a restaurant owner, you know that it can be tough to attract and retain quality staff. Good employees are hard to find, and they can be even harder to keep around.

But by creating a positive workplace culture, you can encourage your staff to stick around. A positive work environment promotes happiness, productivity, and creativity.

In this post, we'll give you tips on how to create a positive workplace culture in your restaurant.


Define Your Restaurant's Mission and Values

If you want to keep your top staff, you need to create a positive workplace culture. This means defining your restaurant's mission and values and making sure all staff is on board.

When everyone is clear about the company's goals and what's expected of them, it makes for a much more positive work environment. Staff will feel appreciated and supported, and be more likely to stick around for the long haul.


Communicate Your Vision to Your Team

One of the best ways to retain top staff is to ensure that they understand your vision for the restaurant. Take the time to sit down with them and explain what you're hoping to achieve and how they can help make that happen.

Make sure your team knows you appreciate their hard work, and be open to feedback. Creating a feedback structure like 360-degree feedback will help keep your staff motivated and engaged.


Create a Positive Work Environment

Another big factor that can influence staff retention is the environment. Make sure your employees feel valued and appreciated, and provide them with opportunities for growth and development. Offer training programs, career advancement opportunities, and team-building activities. By creating a positive workplace culture, you'll be able to keep your best employees happy and engaged.

Some tips for creating a positive work environment include:

-Creating clear and achievable goals for employees to strive for

-Providing regular feedback and recognition

-Offering opportunities for growth and development

-Creating a friendly and fun work culture

-Supporting staff's mental health & wellbeing


Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

One of the best ways to attract and retain top staff is to offer competitive compensation and benefits. It's important to make sure that your staff is paid a fair wage, and that you also offer a good benefits package. This can include health insurance, dental insurance, wellbeing plans, and paid vacation days.


Encourage Professional Development

One of the best ways to encourage your staff to stay with your restaurant food service business is to offer opportunities for professional development. This could mean sending them to training courses, providing them with mentors, or giving them the opportunity to attend industry events.

If your staff feel like they're constantly learning and growing, they're more likely to be happy and stay with your business for the long haul. Make sure you also celebrate their accomplishments, big and small, and provide a positive working environment where they feel valued and appreciated.


Reward and Recognise Your Team's Achievements

One of the best ways to show your staff that you appreciate their hard work is to reward and recognise their achievements. Whether it's a simple pat on the back or a more generous financial bonus, positive reinforcement goes a long way in making your team feel appreciated.

And don't forget to publicly praise your team members when they do a good job! This kind of recognition will not only make them feel good, but it will also show other members of your team that you're willing to acknowledge and reward excellent performance.



Happy staff members are essential to any food service business. They're the people who interact with your customers, and if they're not happy, it will show in their interactions. Creating a positive workplace culture is one of the best ways to keep your top staff members from leaving.

In summary, there are a few key things you can do to make your workplace culture more positive:

-Create a clear vision and mission for your business that everyone can get behind

-Encourage creativity and innovation

-Create a sense of ownership among staff members

-Celebrate successes together.